| February 2022 Update from Pollyanna | February 2022 Dear Friend, An eight-year-old boy is spit on as he leaves Synagogue. This is anti-Semitism. A Black child is called the n-word in the locker room. This is racism. States prohibiting teachers in schools from discussing sexuality and gender identity. This is homophobia. The examples of hate are endless. Can we denounce hate of all kinds? We are approaching the two-year mark of Covid in our lives. Many of us are fragile and tired. Whether we contracted Covid or not, this has been a difficult two years physically and emotionally. We have been isolated from family, friends, and work. Tempers are short, the benefit of the doubt is not given, civility seems to be forgotten, and people are leading with hate. Over this past year, we have also seen the emergence of groups, websites and social media accounts focused on denouncing DEIB work at schools. Verbal attacks of teachers, administrators, and volunteers in independent and public schools are becoming more rampant and vicious. Some of these groups and politicians have asked parents to call out their teachers and schools for their DEIB work and then post these complaints on their platforms. They are literally trying to bully schools and teachers out of teaching what is right, either by firing their leaders or removing their donations or tuition dollars. Is this form of bullying going to work? Are schools going to recoil and no longer honor the commitment they have made to all of their families? We need to support each other and denounce hate. We need to move forward and honor our history. All of our history. Children need a more honest and multi-perspective education than we received. All children, families and employees need to feel like they belong. We need to listen to each other to learn, not just respond. We need to be respectful of those with whom we disagree. Can we denounce hate of all kinds and lead with love? At a recent Shabbat service at Central Synagogue in New York City, Rabbi Angela Warnick Buchdahl said, “None of us can do this alone. Even as this pandemic has tested us and forced us to feel more alone than we ever thought we would have to be. But our tradition keeps pushing us back into community and tells us not only do we need to do this with each other, we need to create bridges outside the Jewish community as well…We need to partner with people of every faith, and of good faith, in the fight against anti-Semitism and racism and radical extremism and hatred of every kind. We cannot do it alone.” She goes on to say, “We, as a Jewish people are unshakably, doggedly, eternally captive of hope.” As a Jew, I have hope we can overcome hate of all kinds together. All best, | |  | | | |  | Teen Pollyanna's January Meeting We all know doing this work is hard, but Teen Pollyanna k eeps us inspired and motivated to reflect, grow, and act! Click here for Josie’s inside look at what these passionate, creative, and intelligent teens discussed at their last meeting. | | |  | The First Session is February 9! Join Jacqueline Nelson, former kindergarten teacher, DEIB educator, and mom of an adorable toddler, as she creates community and supports participants in learning how to talk about race with each other and with their children. Click to register. | | |  | Bust Myths with Us! We'll help participants learn accurate definitions of Racial Literacy and CRT (dispelling distortions and inaccuracies) as well as provide an overview of how Racial Literacy can be integrated into a curriculum to promote equity and belonging for all. Click to register. | | |  | The High School Curriculum Launches Soon Join us for this 3-hour overview workshop and learn about the High School Racial Literacy Curriculum's structure, scope, and sequence, and preview activities from each of the eight subject areas. Click to register. | | | | | | | | Intra- and Multi-School Conferences Pollyanna offers two conference models that can be hosted at school or on Zoom: the Multi-School Conference and the Intra-School Conference. Each has the goal of creating a stronger community and generating Actionable Ideas. Click here for more information. Tuxedo Park School, Tuxedo Park, NY, February 2022 Ravenscroft School, Raleigh, NC, March 2022 St. Luke's School, New Canaan, CT, April 2022 Brentwood School, Los Angeles, CA, April 2022 Dalton School, New York, NY, May 2022 Workshops & Discussions 2-9-22 -- 4-Part Series MaPaGa+ABCs of Race-Conscious Parenting with Jacqueline Nelson Join us for a new 4-part workshop for parents/guardians of children four years and younger. Jacqueline Nelson, former kindergarten teacher, DEIB educator, and mom of a two-year-old, will create connections and community for families with young children and teach the group how to talk about race with each other and with their children. Click here to learn about the sessions and register. 2-12-22 -- Teen Pollyanna Monthly Discussion with Guest Semeka Smith-Williams If you're 13-18 years old and would like to learn more about DEIB, please join us to hear Semeka Smith-Williams, Director of Diversity & Equity at Packer Collegiate Institute. Click here to learn more and register. 2-17-22 -- Race Talk is Dividing Us! with Jason Craige Harris This workshop will help faculty, parents and guardians learn accurate definitions of Racial Literacy and CRT (dispelling distortions and inaccuracies) as well as provide an overview of how Racial Literacy can be integrated into a curriculum to promote equity and belonging for all. Click here to learn more and register. 3-5-22 -- High School Curriculum PD Overview with Julia Kingsdale Join us for our first 3-hour overview of our high school curriculum facilitated by Curriculum Project Manager Julia Kingsdale. Attendees will learn about the curriculum's structure, scope, and sequence, and preview activities from each of the eight subject areas. There will also be an opportunity for educators to ask questions about how to implement the curriculum in their classrooms. Please mark your calendars for subject reviews as well: Advisory – 23 April 2022, Health & Wellness – 23 April 2022, English – 7 May 2022, History – 7 May 2022, Math – 21 May 2022, Biology – 21 May 2022, Technology – 4 June 2022 and Art – 4 June 2022. 4-6-22 through 5-18-22 -- Showing Up and Standing Up with Jay Golon and Jessy Molina Join us for the 3rd cohort in this 4-part series: A Journey Towards Antiracism for White Adults. This series on race and racism will empower and support you to show up and stand up for racial justice in meaningful ways. Please click here for more information and to register. 4-9-22 --3-Hour K-8 Racial Literacy Curriculum Overview PD with Jason Craige Harris Join us for an interactive 3-hour overview and in-depth discussion of Pollyanna's free K-8 Racial Literacy Curriculum. This session is a great introduction for faculty/admin or for new faculty/admin, if your school has already implemented the curriculum. Reach Out if We Can Be of Help and | | | | | | MISSION Pollyanna advances systemic change by developing stronger communities. STRATEGY Pollyanna works with academic and other institutions to achieve their diversity, equity and inclusion goals. Through its unique conference models, discussion platforms, and racial literacy curricula, Pollyanna increases cultural competence. | | | | | | | | Pollyanna, Inc. is a NY not-for-profit corporation 501(c)(3). Louisa Wells: Design © 2022 Pollyanna | 10075, New York, NY 10075 | | | | | | |