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Workshops 2024-25 Launches

We've had hundreds of participants joining us weekly on Zoom for our Summer Series, and the learning continues into this school year. Now is your chance to register for our 2024-25 School Year Workshops and jump on the early bird pricing through 8/31. Click here for more details and to sign up.

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Pollyanna's Summer Series Heated Up in July

Our Workshop Series kept us in full swing with 3 workshops each week. We joined Jason Craige Harris, Sam Hosein, and Ali Michael among many others. We love hearing how Pollyanna's workshops are providing valuable insights, resources, and practical tools for educators to build stronger and kinder school communities.


Welcome New Heads of Schools

Our email to new Heads of Schools welcomed them to their new leadership role. As we start the 2024-25 school year, it's vital for our communities to engage in inclusive dialogue where everyone feels affirmed and celebrated. Our experienced team of former administrators, alumni, faculty, parents, students, and trustees is here to support you at your new school. If you're a new HoS (or a current one), please feel free to book a time on our calendar.



Don't Miss Our Election Workshops

With the election landscape changing daily, we've added three new workshops geared towards getting your community ready. The workshop lineup is: Politically Correct: Maintaining an Inclusive School in a Highly Partisan Culture with Jan Abernathy; Preparing for the Election in an Age of Unrest with Jason Craige Harris; and Election Anxiety: Conversations That Connect in School Settings with June Christian. We hope you'll join us.

AISNE Election Workshops 

The Association of Independent Schools of New England (AISNE) will present Pollyanna speaker Jason Craige Harris as he leads Pre-Election Clinics: Workshopping Responses to Challenging Scenarios. This two-session workshop series in August will introduce participants to a framework for navigating challenging conversations and situations involving different constituency groups with clarity, conviction, and compassion. For more info and to register



2024 Summer Reading

We asked our group of team members, partners, facilitators, and trustees to recommend books they've recently read and found inspiring. Here are our top choices for you to consider adding to your reading list. Let us know your thoughts and recommendations.


Pollyanna Teen Council Invites DEIB Directors to Join October's Meet-up

We are introducing our PTC School Membership for schools to offer their 13- to 18-year-olds during this school this school year. We have a special line up of guests joining us all ready to discuss important topics. Here’s the best part: each member school has the freedom to invite as many students as they like, and every student is welcome to attend one or all of the meet-ups. Sign up and join us on Zoom for an unforgettable journey of discovery and connection. 



Pollyanna delved into the feeling of belonging amongst our team and helped identify issues where we could engage in learning how to relate and communicate better. The workshops they lead helped us become aware of how to be more effective in our communication and also how to be successful at having difficult conversations that need to happen to lead to resolution. 

- Lisa Schroeder, Chief Administrative Officer, Film at Lincoln Center



Look back at July's Newsletter

Pollyanna, Inc. is a not-for-profit corporation 501(c)(3).
© 2024 Pollyanna | New York, NY 10075
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