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Dear Friend,
Kick Off the New Academic Year by Empowering Student Voices! Are you ready to amplify the voices of your students? Join our Pollyanna Teen Council School Membership Program, where 13 to 18-year-old students embark on an unforgettable journey of discovery, connection, and impactful dialogue on today’s most pressing topics. Each month, students will engage with inspiring guest speakers in meaningful discussions that will help them grow and make a difference.
We’re excited to invite DEI Directors and Heads of Schools (along with your students) to our first session: "Being Heard and Not Hurt," facilitated by the insightful Jason Craige Harris, on October 20. This session will set the tone for a year of empowering conversations.
Don’t miss this opportunity.  Learn more and sign up for the yearly membership or to join us at the October 20 session, please fill out this form. Let’s make this year one of growth and connection—I can’t wait to see you and your students on Zoom!


2024-25 Pollyanna Workshop Series Launches

We are extending our early bird pricing until September 8. Beginning in October, we're offering 12 topical workshops conducted by our inspiring facilitators throughout this school year. Click here for more details and to sign up.


Bring a Pollyanna Conference to Your School

Join our growing list of host schools! Our Conference models foster meaningful dialogue across school constituencies that leverages the wisdom of every voice to generate actionable ideas and build stronger and kinder communities. Visit our Conference webpage to learn more about bringing a Pollyanna Conference to your school.



Access Our Free K-12 Racial Literacy Curriculum

Without a sincere effort to understand the historical roots and current problems caused by race and racism, we will continue to passively accept the status quo. Helping students become racially literate is one of the best solutions to these persistent problems. Click here to learn more and download our free curriculum.



Pollyanna Unveils New Mission Statement

We’re thrilled to introduce Pollyanna's new Mission Statement: "Pollyanna builds stronger and kinder communities." This guiding statement reflects our unwavering commitment to fostering connections, compassion, and resilience within the communities we serve and beyond. We aim to empower individuals and create environments where everyone can belong and thrive, and we look forward to continuing to accomplish our shared mission alongside you.


Thank You Summer Workshops School Participants

Thank you to all of the schools that participated in Pollyanna's 2024 Summer Workshop Series. Together, we've taken tangible steps toward creating more inclusive and equitable school communities. Join us for our 2024-25 Workshop Series beginning in October. Click here for more details and to sign up. 


Gratitude for 2024 Summer Workshops Facilitators

A huge thank you to the incredible facilitators of the Summer Workshop Series. Your unmatched expertise, infectious passion, and unwavering commitment have truly empowered and inspired educators and school leaders. Thanks to you, they’re now armed with the tools and resources needed to build more inclusive, vibrant, and resilient communities.



Joy-Raising’s The Academy - a Conference Focused on Inclusive Philanthropy

Join Joy-Raising for The Academy, a one-day conference on Inclusive Philanthropy, on September 27 in San Carlos, California. This event is designed for everyone, from newcomers to seasoned professionals and volunteers, looking to enhance their impact. Learn from top thought leaders as they share strategies for creating inclusive events, refining messaging, and improving board effectiveness. Ideal for board members, executives, and aspiring leaders. Don’t miss this chance to shape the future of philanthropy. Click here to register now.



"Each Pollyanna Summer Workshop was a warm hug from incredible educators. I’m starting the new year and a new position feeling empowered and ready to serve our community."

Emily Kasof, President & CEO, Academy of the Holy Cross, MD



Look back at August's Newsletter
2024-25 Series Launches

Pollyanna, Inc. is a not-for-profit corporation 501(c)(3).
© 2024 Pollyanna | New York, NY 10075
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